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Micro split ring
Single micro split ring, rated up to 80 kg.

Single high-performance swivel, rated up to 80 kg.Total length is 31 mm, the rings' inner diameter is 7.5 mm, outer diameter is 10.5 mm.

Technora rope
Technora rope by the metre.

Lanternsmith PomGrip™
Single PomGrips™, produced by Lanternsmith (USA). These knobs were specifcally designed for poi spinners. They have good grip and are squishy, making them comfortable for spinning and easy to catch after throws. With a size of about 34 mm x 25 mm they are slightly larger than PX3 club knobs, but small enough to easily fit in your hand when plying with two poi in one hand. The base weight is 16 g, additonal weight can be added with M10 washers (write a comment if you want some extra washers). Fits rope up to 10 mm. Available in nine colors, plus two glow-in-the-dark colors. The glow-in-the-dark knobs are made of tranclucent material with embedded PixelDust pigments. These can be charged by UV-light and glow at maximum brightness for about 5 minutes, with an afterglow of up to 12 hours.

Welded Ring
Single welded ring.

Kevlar Seil
Play Juggling 10 mm Kevlarseil 

From €7.50*
Fire heads for Poi/Ropedart
Poi/Ropedart Head from 100% Kevlar rope, with micro split ring for attachment. Details heads: Pear: 150 g /9 cm; Apple: 160 g/10 cm; Dart: 170 g/12 cm; Chunky: 230 g/10 cmReady to ship in 3-5 days.

From €48.00*
Fire Ropedart Leash
Spliced Dyneema rope with Technora lead for ropedarts. Comnbining zero stretch and a smooth surface, Dyneema is one of the most popular materials for roedart ropes. Available with a 6 mm round rope or a 12 mm flat sash. The sash version (currently only in black) offers a higher degree of control for contact moves.The dart leash comes with a spliced hand loop with a stopper knot and a high-performance swivel on the other end. The main body is made of Dyneema, near the head 30 cm heat resitant Technora is spliced on.

From €36.00*
individual fire poi tether
Single spliced Technora tethers for fire poi. You can choose between 6 mm and 8 mm Technora, stiffened 8 mm and 10 mm Technora, as well as welded chain with Technora handle. Read more about splicing here. A swivel can be added to enable orbitals, however the feeling of a regular contact poi is better preserved without. While Technora is highly heat resitant, it should never be soaked with fuel or left hanging directly in the flame for prolonged time. To avoid unwanted fuel uptake while soaking the poi, the Technora and head are separated by a few segments of chain. A piece of Kevlat seeving additionally protects the tether from direct heat near the head. Check out further tips for fire prop care here.

Variants from €15.00*
Split ring pliers
Zange zum öffnen von Spaltringen

From €2.50*
Polyester Spiral Braid
Spiral braided polyester rope, highly flexible and low in stretch.Available in 6 mm, 8 mm and 10 mm.While the 6 mm and 8 mm versions last virtually forever, the softer braid of the 10 mm version has a limited lifetime. The 6 mm version is available in a range of colors, 8 mm and 10 mm are only available in white.

Ropedart Leash
Spliced dyneema rope for ropedarts. Comnbining zero stretch and a smooth surface, Dyneema is one of the most popular materials for roedart ropes. Available with a 6 mm round rope or a 12 mm flat sash. The sash version (currently only in black) offers a higher degree of control for contact moves.The dart leash comes with a spliced hand loop with a stopper knot and a high-performance swivel on the other end.

From €26.00*
Dynacore rope
Dynacore: stiffer than the Allrounder rope due to zero-stretch Dyneema-core, but with the same rugged mantle construction. The perfect rope for poi juggling, this rope shines also for advanced tricks like flats, inverse throws and helis. Available in 10 mm.

Dyneema Sash

From €5.00*
Stageball éoZoé
These stage balls are produced by Netjuggler in France under the brand name éoZoé. They are made from PVC that is free from phtalates and UV pigments. Thus they are fully recyclable and retain their color when exposed to sunlight. The 90 mm version (170 g) is softer than the 100 mm variant (180 g). Both have a matt finish, lending these stage balls a beatiful look and silky smooth feel. Both are suited for contact, the smooth surfaces don't stick to each other in multiball manipulation. The 90 mm versions are also suited for throw juggling, though having large hands is beneficial. Available in 15 dazzling colors, these stage balls have become very popular for making contact poi.

Allrounder Poi Seil
Allrounder: ein echtes Multi-Talent. Geeignet für die gesamte Bandbreite von Tricks, die mit Poi möglich sind, inklusive Würfe und Jonglage. Die dichte Mantel-Flechtung und Spezial-Polyester machen das Seil unverwüstlich. Empfohlen für Anfänger wie auch Fortgeschrittene. Verfügbar in 10 mm.

Dyneema is the brand name for high modulus polyethylene (HMPE). It is super soft and flexible, and in addition it has almost zero stretch. The rope has a diameter of 6 mm and is made as a 12 strand hollow braid, ideal for splicing. Perfect for building ropedarts and puppyhammers.Sold by the meter.
